Monday, February 4, 2008

What your policy Barack?

On the eve of Super Tuesday, while 4 people are still in the race, I am still wondering how different Hillary’s policies are from Obama’s so I went on the New York Times website and here is what’s important:

On Iraq, while Barack was the only one against from the start, both Democrats want a phased withdrawal to start soon while both Republicans are in favour of troop increase.

On healthcare, Hillary wants compulsory insurance for everyone, a.k.a. universal coverage. Obama wants a bit more flexibility while the Republicans are for more free markets.

On abortion, the Republicans are, well, crazy (against it all together). Obama is even more liberal than Hillary on this.

On Climate Change, the Democrats want compulsory cap and trade and so does McCain. Romney wants a global program (or is this an excuse?)

On immigration, the Republicans disagree. McCain, as both Democrats, supports a path to legalization that includes learning English while Romney wants none of this; he wants to build a more efficient fence. What’s crazy is that they all voted for the fence along the Mexican border.

On Iran, none of them put the war option off the table. Barack is the only one that would engage in direct diplomacy while Romney is the only one that would invade without asking Congress. They all want sanctions.

On "the economy", the Republicans want the Bush tax cuts to become permanent while the Democrats want none of that for the riches (250 000$ a year) but tax relief for the poorer to stabilize the economy.

On free trade, Hillary is now a hardcore protectionist. She wants “smart, pro-American trade because NAFTA has hurt workers”. She’s against CAFTA and wants more American agriculture exports!!! McCain and Romney are pro-free trade, in a good way. Obama is also protectionist: he wants labor & environmental standards in trade agreements and affirms that people don't want cheaper T-shirts if it costs their job. He also wants to reinvest in communities that are burdened by globalization, as most economists suggest.

All in all, this in no way helps in choosing one. Watching them talk on TV helps much more.

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